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Metal Roofing Myths: Busting Common Misconceptions

Metal Roofing Myths: Busting Common Misconceptions

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Metal roofing has gained popularity in recent years for its durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. However, with popularity comes a fair share of myths and misconceptions surrounding this roofing material. In this comprehensive guide, we will debunk common metal roofing myths, providing you with accurate information to make informed decisions about choosing the right roofing material for your home.

Myth 1: Metal Roofs Attract Lightning

Fact: One of the most enduring myths about metal roofs is that they attract lightning. In reality, metal roofing does not attract lightning. In fact, it is a non-combustible material, making it a safer option during a lightning storm. Metal roofs are not more prone to being struck by lightning than other roofing materials.

Myth 2: Metal Roofs Are Noisy During Rainfall

Fact: Another prevalent myth is that metal roofs are loud during rainstorms. However, modern metal roofing is designed with insulation and underlayment that significantly reduces noise. When installed correctly with a solid sheathing, most homeowners report that metal roofs are no louder than other roofing materials during rain.

Myth 3: Metal Roofs Rust Easily

Fact: Rust is a concern with certain metals, but many metal roofing materials are specifically treated and coated to prevent rusting. Aluminum and steel roofing, for instance, are often coated with zinc or a combination of zinc and aluminum to create a protective barrier against corrosion. With proper maintenance, metal roofs can resist rust for several decades.

Myth 4: Metal Roofs Make Homes Hotter

Fact: Some people believe that metal roofs absorb more heat, making homes hotter in warm climates. However, metal roofing systems are designed with reflective coatings that bounce back the sun’s rays, preventing excessive heat absorption. This reflective property can actually contribute to a cooler home and reduced energy costs.

Myth 5: Metal Roofs Dent Easily

Fact: While it’s true that metal can dent under extreme force, modern metal roofing is manufactured to be highly durable and resistant to denting. Hail, heavy rain, or falling branches are unlikely to cause significant damage to a well-installed metal roof. Choosing a thicker gauge metal can further enhance dent resistance.

Myth 6: Metal Roofs Are Prone to Leaks

Fact: When installed correctly, metal roofs are watertight and highly resistant to leaks. Proper installation involves skilled contractors who secure the metal panels, flashings, and seams correctly. Regular inspections and prompt repairs can help prevent leaks and ensure the long-term integrity of the roof.

Myth 7: Metal Roofs Are Expensive

Fact: While the initial cost of a metal roof may be higher than some other roofing materials, it is essential to consider the long-term value. Metal roofs have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance than many traditional roofing materials. Additionally, they offer energy savings, making them a cost-effective choice over the life of the roof.

Myth 8: Metal Roofs Are Limited in Style and Color

Fact: Metal roofing comes in a wide range of styles, colors, and finishes. Whether you prefer the look of traditional shingles, tiles, or a more contemporary standing seam design, there is a metal roofing option to suit your aesthetic preferences. Manufacturers offer an extensive palette to complement various architectural styles.

Myth 9: Walking on Metal Roofs Causes Damage

Fact: With proper precautions and techniques, it is possible to walk on a metal roof without causing damage. Professional roofers know how to distribute their weight and use the correct footwear to prevent scratches or dents. Routine maintenance, such as cleaning gutters or inspecting for debris, may require walking on the roof.

Myth 10: Metal Roofs Increase the Risk of Lightning Strikes

Fact: Metal roofs do not increase the risk of lightning strikes. Lightning is attracted to the highest point, regardless of the roofing material. In fact, metal roofing can provide added safety during a lightning storm, as it is non-combustible and less likely to catch fire compared to some other materials.

Myth 11: Metal Roofs Are Susceptible to Rust Streaks

Fact: Rust streaks on metal roofs are often caused by external factors, such as nearby iron deposits or rusting objects like nails. Proper installation, including using stainless steel or coated fasteners, can prevent rust streaks. Routine cleaning and maintenance can further minimize the risk of discoloration.

Myth 12: Metal Roofs Are Difficult to Install

Fact: While installing a metal roof requires specific skills and expertise, professional roofing contractors are well-trained in the installation of metal roofing systems. Proper installation is crucial for the performance and longevity of the roof, so it’s advisable to hire experienced professionals for the job.

Myth 13: Metal Roofs Retain Heat in Winter

Fact: Metal roofs do not retain heat in the winter. In fact, they shed snow more effectively than many other roofing materials. This characteristic helps prevent the formation of ice dams and reduces the risk of winter-related roof issues.

Myth 14: Metal Roofs Interfere with Wi-Fi and Cell Signals

Fact: Metal roofing does not interfere with Wi-Fi or cell signals. Advances in technology and the prevalence of wireless communication have debunked this myth. The impact of a metal roof on signal strength is negligible and should not be a concern for homeowners.

Myth 15: Metal Roofs Cannot Withstand Hailstorms

Fact: Metal roofs are highly resilient and can withstand hailstorms better than many other roofing materials. The impact resistance of metal roofing depends on factors such as the gauge of the metal and the type of coating. Many metal roofing products are tested and rated for their hail resistance.

Myth 16: Metal Roofs Cause Ice Dams

Fact: Metal roofs are not the cause of ice dams. In fact, they can help prevent ice dams when installed with proper ventilation and insulation. Ice dams are typically the result of poor attic ventilation and inadequate insulation, leading to uneven roof surface temperatures.

Myth 17: Metal Roofs Are Environmentally Unfriendly

Fact: Metal roofing is an environmentally friendly option. Most metal roofing materials are recyclable, and some are made from recycled materials. Additionally, the energy efficiency of metal roofs, which reflects sunlight and reduces cooling costs, contributes to environmental sustainability.

Myth 18: Metal Roofs Need to Be Grounded

Fact: There is no need to ground metal roofs for lightning protection. Grounding is a misconception related to older wiring systems and is not a requirement for modern metal roofing installations. Proper installation and adherence to building codes ensure the safety of metal roofs during lightning storms.

Myth 19: Metal Roofs Contribute to Heat Islands

Fact: Metal roofing, with its reflective properties, actually helps mitigate urban heat island effects. The ability to reflect sunlight reduces heat absorption and contributes to cooler ambient temperatures around buildings. This characteristic supports energy efficiency and reduces the overall heat island effect.

Myth 20: Metal Roofs Are Unsuitable for Residential Use

Fact: Metal roofing is a versatile and suitable option for residential use. With a variety of styles, colors, and finishes, metal roofs can complement the aesthetics of any home. Their durability, longevity, and energy efficiency make them an excellent choice for residential roofing.


Dispelling common myths about metal roofing is crucial for homeowners considering this durable and energy-efficient option. By understanding the facts, you can make informed decisions about the best roofing material for your home. Metal roofing, when installed correctly and maintained appropriately, offers a range of benefits, including longevity, energy savings, and aesthetic versatility. If you’re in the market for a new roof, don’t let misconceptions steer you away from the advantages that a well-installed metal roof can provide for your home in Durango or any other location.

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